The Writing Process Blog Tour

So Danny Rhodes, author of the excellent Fan, asked me to contribute to the Writing Process Blog Tour. I don’t know much about it, but writer after writer answer the same four questions. Here are the questions. Here are my answers… What am I currently working on? I’ve just finished, and dispatched to my agent, …

Get writing

If you’ve ever wanted to write a novel, my eBook How To Write A Novel In 6 Months can help you. It’s 20,000 words and includes the system I have used to write two novels a year since Maneater was published. When I started writing I was reading a lot of How To books, and …

The Rules of Writing

On November 14 I’ll be taking part in a discussion at Whitstable Library in Kent. The event is a fund-raiser for a fantastic new literary festival  called WhitLit, to be held May 9-11, 2014. I’m very excited. However, on November 14 at the fund-raiser, it’ll be me, Peggy Riley (author of the wonderful Amity & …

Just joined Goodreads

I have signed up to Goodreads this week. I’d not really been aware of its potential, but I have been reading Goodreads For Authors: How To Use Goodreads To Promote Your Books by Michelle Campbell-Scott. Very interesting, and quite eye-opening. I thought I’d give it a go. All my books are already there, so I …